Reasons You Are Frustrated with the Willow Pump

You bought this super duper fancy $500 Breast Pump, and it’s doing nothing but frustrating you! So, what gives?

The Willow Pump is amazing, but it can also be incredibly frustrating! It is very easy to be so dazzled by the incredible freedom this pump offers that it tempts you to keep doing things that aren’t going to work!

The problem? Unrealistic expectations! The price tag and allure of freedom has built Willow up to be the only option people can see allowing them to pump, and when you have all of your hope focused on one pump without acknowledging the realities of the Willow Pump, you will most certainly end up frustrated.

Understanding the Impact of Constant Suction


Willow Pump has a constant suction that is not forgiving. There are only two pumps on the market that use constant suction: Limerick Pumps that use soft collapsible silicone flanges and the Willow Pump.

This type of suction requires training your body to respond to it appropriately for the vast majority of people. Even the super gentle Limerick Pump requires time to learn to respond properly. I rent this pump out in my private practice for situations where a nursing baby has done nipple trauma, and it works quickly because we only use it on one side at a time while nursing the baby for several sessions. 

With Willow, this can be even trickier. Often, before using the Willow Pump with an appropriately sized flanges, there has been inappropriate flange sizing or nipple damage from latching issues. So, nipples are swollen, or painful, and then, constant suction requiring a very precise fit is applied on a damaged nipple, in turn, causing more damage. 

The first few times of using the Willow Pump without proper flange sizing, there is often great success as the powerful suction rapidly empties the breasts, BUT the damage caused by the super strong suction in the wrong flange sizes sets in and now, you have a problem.

Success with the Willow is going to require respecting the realities of constant suction and making sure your nipples are in perfect shape before you even try the Willow, and then, patiently doing the work to train your body to the Willow. This isn’t a quick process, there are no shortcuts, and if you don’t do it, you are the one who pays the price with potential nipple damage, poor pumping, and massive frustration. 

IF you are a Willow Pump Gen 3 user and experiencing pain, read this article with included videos to see the differences in suction between the Gen 3 and previous models.

Trying to use the Willow Pump as your Only Pump

Some people can get away with this, but some people can’t. Willow wasn’t designed for exclusive pumping 8 times per day, 7 days a week, for 25 minutes a shot. That amount of constant suction (even with a properly sized flanges) can cause inflammation over time for some people, and the only answer is to use an alternative pump that is more gentle some of the time to prevent issues. Often, just switching to a gentler pump for sessions where you can relieve the discomfort will work well if we have ruled out sizing issues.


You are having Issues with the Containers

Willow Pump containers seem to me like someone had the idea 80% of the way to success and decided that was good enough. They are prone to errors and failures, and they are much trickier than the bags (which can be tricky in their own right). Sometimes, these containers are not the right answer during the learning curve period as it’s one more thing to have to try to learn. Getting the fit of the flange, the fit of the bra, correct assembly, and perfectly centered nipples all the while your baby is screaming at you is a lot to juggle. 

There can be Issues with Pain and Discomfort from Things Other than Sizing

  • Alignment is super important for the Willow Pump, and depending on your nipple shape, placement can be very tricky. The only way to perfect alignment is to practice practice practice and practice some more. Also, please make sure you have a backup option for milk removal should you not get it right.

  • Bra fit is very important as well! You have to find your sweet spot where your bra is perfectly snug but not too snug. The only person that can figure that out is you, and that only works by trial and error. The most we can do is recommend bra styles that are likely to work for you. You are the one who has to experiment. I recommend trying the Willow braless to find the pressure that works best for you, and then, try replicating that pressure with your bra.

You are in Denial about how Swollen and Damaged your Nipples are

  • Red rings around the base of the nipple?

  • Nipple and areola swollen together?

  • Cracks and cuts?

  • Scabs and blisters?


Willow isn’t going to be your friend if your nipples are damaged! 

I don’t tell you your nipples are damaged to try to get you to book another consult. I tell you so you know you have a problem! Sizing down on damaged nipples is often painful and hurts your milk supply. Being in denial doesn’t protect you from these very real issues.

Damaged 👏🏻 Nipples 👏🏻 Need 👏🏻 To 👏🏻 Be 👏🏻 Healed 👏🏻 100% 👏🏻 Of 👏🏻 The 👏🏻 Time 👏🏻

The Costs of New Inserts and Flanges

The Willow Pump isn’t cheap and neither is changing flanges and inserts. If you have different sizes of nipples, that can mean twice the expense there. And the worst part is, many people have to try a few sizes and styles to find the right fit even with a great measurement to begin with. This is just a fact of getting the Willow to work for you.


Willow Pump doesn’t Work for Everyone

The constant suction on Willow is STRONG and may be too much for your nipples. The pump may fit awkwardly with your breast shape. The inserts in your necessary sizing may be too short, be the wrong shape, or rub you funny. Just like every pump out there, it may not be the right pump for you.

In Summary

  1. The Willow Pump isn’t perfect, and it won’t work for everyone

  2. Trial and Error for sizing and support happen routinely

  3. Damaged nipples are a big problem

  4. Unrealistic expectations are going to leave you disappointed and frustrated

If you are not in a place emotionally or financially to ride the roller coaster that can be getting the Willow Pump to work, it may be time to consider this isn’t the pump for you at this time. For a more in-depth look at the Willow Pump, click here.

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